How Bin There Dump That Increased Revenue By $2,894,983​


Bin There Dump That supplies residential-friendly dumpsters throughout North America. The company has over 100 franchises in Canada and the United States. We helped them grow revenue by $2,894,983


  • Driving local leads on a national scale
  • Improving a drop in traffic and rankings caused by CMS migration and hosting
  • Ongoing technical SEO issues


  • Comprehensive technical SEO audit to identify all of the opportunities for improvement on the site
  • Development of a roadmap for opportunity implementation so that results would be seen ASAP
  • Implement a build-measure-learn process to ensure that the changes had a positive impact on the website


  • 567% increase in organic traffic between September 2017 and September 2020
  • 775% increase in organic leads between September 2017 and September 2020
  • $2,894,983 increase in revenue between 2019 and 2020
“We did start tying some revenue estimates to our conversions. I pulled a report of conversions/leads from January January 1 – October 31, 2019 versus January 1 – October 31, 2020, and there’s an expected revenue increase of $2,894,983. It’s a significant increase.

Luke Hancock,
Marketing Manager, Bin There Dump That


Improving website SEO to get more traffic

In 2017, Bin There Dump That (BTDT), a North American franchise company that rents dumpsters for residential areas, switched website vendors.

Luke Hancock, Marketing Manager of Local Initiatives for BTDT, was focusing on using digital marketing to increase local leads for franchisees and hoped the new vendor could improve SEO for their website

The new website vendor decided to bring in an SEO specialist. They introduced Kogneta and Managing Partner Jordan Choo to Luke and BTDT.

“Our new website vendor hired Jordan because of his acute SEO knowledge,” Luke notes.

Jordan went right to work and produced a comprehensive report with his findings and recommendations.

Luke says, “Jordan and Kogneta laid out all the opportunities and areas where the website could be improved. He also provided some recommendations for search engine optimization. It was a thorough 60 to 65 page document of recommendations, and a path for implementation, too, which was helpful.”

However, that wasn’t the end of the story. Two years later, BTDT found itself in a disheartening situation.

Traffic was falling off. Leads were lagging. And that was affecting sales.

“It was kind of dire straits. We had …125 pages of our website that weren’t being indexed. These were franchisees’ local sites on our sub-domains on that website that weren’t being found on search results. That was critical, and we had to get that corrected,” Luke said.

Luke knew that making it so the franchisees’ local sites could be found was crucial to fixing the lack of traffic, leads, and sales.

“If our local websites aren’t found readily available on the first page of Google searches, it really hinders our sales and revenue numbers,” he says.

Kogneta and Jordan had stayed top of mind with Luke, thanks to Jordan’s thoroughness with the previous SEO audit.

So Luke called Jordan in again, and he identified three specific challenges:

  1. Driving local leads on a national scale.
  2. A drop in traffic and rankings caused by CMS migration and hosting issues.
  3. Ongoing technical issues.


Specialized SEO consulting for franchisors

Kogneta was best suited for the job because the company specializes in search engine optimization (SEO), conversion rate optimization (CRO), pay per click (PPC), and content marketing to help franchises attract and convert new customers in profitable and predictable manners.

Jordan’s comprehensive technical SEO audit captured data for six weeks from Google Analytics and Mouseflow, a service that records visitor’s sessions on the website.

He identified all the opportunities for improvement on BTDT’S site. And Jordan submitted the audit in a PowerPoint slide deck, making it easy to understand.

The audit revealed that:
  • Improving the architecture and technical structure of the website would help BTDT rank higher.
  • Switching servers would allow the franchisees’ local sites to be indexed and found in search results.
Luke explains, “We were having significant issues with the website indexing pages. And that’s when we invited Jordan to do another audit, which he did. He found these corrective issues that we had to address, most notably switching servers.”
Luke says that after the audit in 2017, BTDT had tried to improve the content on the pages. But as the 2019 audit showed, it was the technical details that needed fixing.
“We invested a lot in additional content for the website, but the content’s no good if you don’t have that architectural structure,” Luke notes.
After the audit presentation, Jordan supplied BTDT with a roadmap for implementing the opportunities identified on the technical audit. This prioritized what should get fixed based on impact and ease of implementation so that results would be seen immediately. Then, Kogneta continued to provide ad hoc SEO consulting. Luke also says the followup for Kogneta’s findings was also important in implementing the changes.
“It was very beneficial that there was a followup component to that. Not just ‘Here are some things wrong with the website. Here’s how to fix it. See you later.’ It was ‘Here’s a document you guys can use internally to get that done’,” Luke explains.
However, it was Jordan’s availability to answer questions that really impressed Luke. Whether Luke had questions about the audit or separate SEO questions, Jordan was always willing to assist.
“Throughout this whole process, Jordan has been very open to answering emails, even if he’s not like ‘on the clock.’ He always took time to correspond with me,” Luke says.


$2,894,983 increase in revenue in one year
Since BTDT implemented Kogneta’s recommendations, the improvements have been significant.
“I would say that the roadmap he’s provided us has led to us being able to rank some of our pages higher in searches for which we’re getting a lot of traffic for now. And I can confidently tell you they’re converting to warm leads,” Luke says.
Luke also noted that when he compares October 2020 with the same period last year, organic traffic has increased by 76%. And when compared to the time of the first audit by Kogneta, traffic growth has improved by 567%. Leads have improved as well. In September 2017, BTDT had 131 leads. In September 2020, that figure had grown to 1,146 leads, representing an improvement of 775%. And revenue has increased. In comparing the 10-month period of January 1-October 31, 2019 to the same time frame in 2020, total expected revenue has increased by $2,894,983.
“We tied some revenue estimates to our conversions. I pulled a report of conversions/leads from January 1-October 31, 2019 versus January 1 October 31, 2020, and there’s an expected revenue increase of $2,894,983. It’s a significant increase,” Luke says.
Luke says that COVID-19 has definitely impacted business.
“With the kind of new behavior model, the consumer model with everything with COVID, we are always deemed pretty much in 99% of the market as an essential service. So communicating that to our customers was a big thing, which I think we’ve done,” he says. “And we’ve seen continuing success and  growth of the website. Conversions are up. Traffic is up. So we just want to continue those trends.”
And in the meantime, Luke believes that BTDT and Kogneta will continue their working relationship.
“I would recommend Jordan and Kogneta to anyone, and I’m pretty certain we’ll be working in the future.”

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